ASEM’s Gorongosa Center in Gorongosa is multi-functional. In cooperation with local partners, programs are offered that benefit the population in the surrounding districts since 2004.
An average of 20 people from the local community participate in the micro credit program. Each person pays a certain amount to the head of its committee. He manages the funds together with the members. If someone from the group of participants needs a loan, they get it and pay interest of 10%. At the end of each calendar year, all lenders get their money back and the income from the interest is distributed to everyone involved in the program. A new round is started for the new calendar year.
Animal raising
Ordinary white chickens are difficult to breed under harsh conditions, as they often get sick and die. The project aims to evaluate chicken breeds (local ones) with which breeding can be established under the prevailing conditions. The idea is to look for natural and accessible production mechanisms that enable to reproduce chickens using simple methods and the procurement of natural feed.
Pig breeding is also planned.
Any financial surpluses from the sale of the animals will be used for the two school centers Macurungo and Manga.
Education & Community work
In collaboration with the local government, 30 "health agents" from different districts are housed and trained at the Gorongosa Center. The training covers topics such as health, personal and domestic hygiene, the importance of breastfeeding, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis and obstetrics, and care for mother and child. The "health agents" and their training benefit the communities of the whole district.
Social work and support for the needy
ASEM Mozambique offers support for parents and children from the surrounding communities and the temporary free accommodation of people in difficult life situations.
Water supply
The water supply system installed at ASEM’s Center benefits hundreds of people living in this rural area and avoids them to walk long distance to get water.
How can you help?
Your donation can be one-time or recurring and will be used as follows (cost information depends on the exchange rate and the development of prices):
Food aid in the community - $ 450 per child per year
Transport to school - $ 120 per child per year
Salary head of center and security guards - $ 580 per month
Renovations and maintenance of the infrastructure (buildings, surroundings, etc.) - $ 340 per month
Sponsorship a program for animal breeding - $ 300